
Archive for March 6th, 2009

The first 12 months of Keaton’s life I wrote a little note in his baby book detailing the milestones he hit and what life was like for him (and us) at that particular time in his development. I’d like to keep that up here, because really this is a journal that will be dedicated to my kids. So, Fifteen months.

Keaton Sir you have made some huge strides the last month. Most notably you went from crawling and cruising furniture to walking on your own two feet. The drunken sailor walk is one of my favorite things in the entire universe. You can’t decide whether to watch your feet move along the ground and run into the walls or to look where you are going and trip over a toy or your own dang self.

You can say : Mama, Daddy, doggy, kitty, hi, bottle, up, teddy, baby (this one breaks my heart it is so cute coming out of your mouth), Rowan, hug, sister, ball, no, thank you (comes out “Dank Ew”), button, nigh nigh, bye-bye, cow. These are the words you consistently say, though there are others you randomly spurt out like “Five” and “Candle” and “Whale”.

Words you can’t say but if you did it would make my life a lot easier: I’m tired, please, eat, more, milk, I’m angry because _____, I’m screaming because_____, I hate you because_____, Can I have this? No? That’s OK mom I know it’s for my own good, etc. etc.

Watching you try to run after your sister is hilarious, you look like a clumsy, chubby tumbleweed.

We hug your teddy bear and then hand him to you and you say “Huuuuuuuug” and smush teddy between your head and your shoulders for a hug.

You’ll let your dad read to you for bedtime story time but not me. I know you’re doing this to get back at me for something and I’m sorry, OK? Just please let me read to you again.

You threw your first toddler temper tantrums this month and oh my hell are they cute. I have to turn away to hide my smile. You lose all use of your spine and flop around on the floor like a fish, all the while keeping an eye on me to make sure I am noting your newfound sense of the dramatic. Don’t worry, I am- in the most literal sense.

You love to throw a ball or toys to Luna Mae.

You also like to throw any kind of food that doesn’t interest you or you have grown weary of off your tray to Luna Mae.

Luna Mae is getting fat.

You love Monkey Jane. She will even tolerate your rough form of petting for a short while. Fawkes, however, retreats to higher ground when you enter the room.

Your new favorite pasttime is jumping up and down in your crib. At 5:30 in the morning. Please stop doing this.

You just learned how to navigate down the stairs backwards, thank heavens!

You got your 1st molar. Your diapers are entirely offensive because of this. Yuck.

Your favorite ways to get into mischief are: climbing the little rocker and pulling things off the side table, pulling the caps off your sisters markers and eating the tips, and sneaking in the bathroom and playing in the dog’s water dish.

The absolute best new thing you’ve learned to do is sing. You started out with E-I-E-I,E-I-E-I from “Old MacDonald “(you still haven’t quite figured out the O part), and now have moved onto your favorite which is “Twinkle Twinkle” and/or the “ABC Song”. You get the biggest smile when I start the song out and chime right in with made up words.

This month has been so full for you, and though you are still giving us a hard time with lots of crankiness and (VERY!) early mornings, your development is seriously amazing. A year ago we were only getting the lack of sleep and screaming and maybe a half smile. Look at all this! Way to go Mister Man, way to go.


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